Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Find A Happy Place

OK. I think we all need a time out. I mean the world hasn't exactly been all candy canes and gumdrops of late! We've all been a little bit tense due to a never ending election, the economy going straight down the toilet, and our country being sold to the highest bidder. (This can't be helping!)

It is incredibly important to keep ourselves informed and involved, but it has also become increasingly difficult to find a retreat. A place of solace. Or in the words of the eternally wise Uncle Remus, "a Happy Place".
So, let me be the first to offer you some of my own personal therapy. One of many ridiculous remedies that I turn to when I find myself curled into the fetal position screaming "why!" at the top of my lungs. (What?! Don't act like its never happened to you!!)

If this doesn't make you a least smile....I recommend you call your doctor immediately!

And you are dumb.........I mean, who doesn't like Mickey Mouse?!!

You're welcome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE MICKEY! I miss these Cartoons man! Good call!! =)